Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Writing on TGLJ 2, "Illuminatus"

Click to Enlarge
I know it's been a long time since I've posted anything on this blog. I've been busy finishing up an older story of mine that's for 18-plussers and I've been posting updates on my Catharina Shields' Romantica Blog.
I've also had to take care of one of my pricey exotic goldfish, Feisty, who was under threat of going belly-up! She is supposed to be able to have protein rich fish food (for that bumpy growth on their head they're famous for called the "wen"), but for some reason, it created a growth on her side instead (see image where I circled the strange growth) I was so afraid I'd lose her. She, and the rest of her tankmates, btw, are all on medicated food (Medi-Gold and Metro-meds) for 14 days. I just started them on it last Saturday, so I can stop feeding it to them on Friday, August 17th.
Despite the above, I have found time to write on the second book of "The Girl in the Leather Jacket" entitled, "Illuminatus", which is Latin for enlightened.
I've also worked hard at redesigning the book cover for it (helps with inspiration!) and you can see what I've come up with above.
This book continues where the first book ends - in Lola Fox's Karmann Ghia as they head for Bel-Air to rescue Andy's mom.
This book is about the power struggles and growing pains within the newly formed Illuminatus Coven that Lola finds herself the reluctant leader of while having to arbitrate between the members as she also struggles with feeling torn between her attraction to Zach Ridley and her growing love for Andy. 


  1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  2. Comment removed by me because it contained a disparaging word much too commonly used against a demographic.

    Constructive criticism is always welcome, but I will not tolerate words used to disparage any one or more groups.

    Thank you for your understanding.

