I'm going to try my best to keep up with this blog, in between writing, of course. At the moment, I'm struggling with a very nasty cold and it makes writing a little difficult.
Anyway, I've already proofed, edited, and rewritten several parts to Of Vinegar and Honey, and have e-published them.
I'm working on Part 7, and I hope to have it done and published in the next few days. There are a total of twelve parts to this story so I still have a way to go, but when they're all e-published as separate parts, I intend to publish it in paperback book form, too.
Normally, these parts wouldn't take me so long, but as the title of this post says, I'm working on different projects at the same time while battling a particularly persistent cold.
I've opened and restarted Equilibrium II: Rebirth, too, since I've been receiving some inquiries when it will be available. I'm so sorry for lagging, but life got in the way of things and I had to postpone writing a little. Not very professional of me, I know, but at least I'm back to it.
Thank you for stopping by, and I hope I can continue to look forward to your support.